Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 1

This week I read the first three chapters of Nephi. Not as much as I had wanted to but again no time restrants for me. :) Hanna (my daughter) was out of school so that made it a little harder.
In these first four chappters it's a lot of Nephi obeying his father Lehi. The Lord told Lehi to take his family out of Jerusalem. Lehi obeyed The Lord. Nephi followed his father with a willing attitude because he had prayed to The Lord and asked if what they were doing was right. His brothers Laman and Lemual were not as willing to go. They whined and complained. They came to a city by a river and set up camp. The Lord than told Lehi that they needed to go to Jerusalem to get the brass plates from Laban. I guess Laban was like a king,that's what I gathered. If I am wrong and anyone reading this knows what he really his please comment and tell
me, thanks. So anyways, Nephi, Laman, and Lemual (and I think their brother Sam) all went to get the brass plates. And
as you can imagine Laban was not willing to give them up. So they went back to their house in Jerusalem and got some gold
and silver etc and told Laban they would give him the gold and silver for the brass plates. He said no and kept their gold a d
silver and than told his servents to kill them. So they ran a hid in a cave. While they were in the cave Laman and Lemual got mad at Nephi and Sam and started to complain against their dad and them and they hit Nephi and Sam with a rod. While they were doing that an angel came and said "Why are you hitting your younger brother? He has been chosen to be the ruler over you because of
your iniquities". He told him to go back to get the plates. He told them The Lord will
make a way. After the angel left dang Laman a d Lemual started to complain again. That was the end of that chapter.
It was weird for me to be reading this story this week. Like I said before Hanna was home from school his week and I think it must of been don't listen to your mom week. Sometimes I look at my kids complaining about one this or another and I think "I wish you knew how easy you really have it" I think along the same lines with Laman and Lemual. If only they knew how
lucky they were to be able to see an angel of The Lord. How (pardon my rudeness) dumb they were! They saw an angel and the angel told
them to have faith and they still doubted. How silly kids are sometimes to be given everything they want and still complian that it is not enough. I hope my corrleation makes sense. It does in my crazy brain:)
Well week one has been good. I feel good reading my scriptures everyday. I feel the Spirit more
and I just feel better about life. Ok on to week 2. See ya next week.

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